Wednesday, December 20, 2017


We spent today traveling and it was pretty exhausting. We left Los Angeles just around one in the morning on a flight to Chicago. The plane was packed. Both of us tried to sleep, but it was not particularly easy. We arrived there just before six o’clock. We spent a couple of hours in O’Hare and had some barely edible pastry for our breakfast. Around eight thirty or so, we were on our second flight, this time to Washington Dulles. We had a little more room on this flight, and both of us were able to sleep a little more. We picked up our luggage and found the shuttle to the Alamo rental. In a matter of minutes we were picking out our vehicle and we were on our way.

Charlottesville is about two long hours of driving from Dulles. Most of it is on the same highway, but it is not the kind of road where you can just turn on cruise control and listen to something on the radio or your phone. There is always some kind of “keep left to stay on…” every ten or twenty miles. I was quite alert for the first hour, but for the second part of the trip I had to struggle to keep awake. The monotonous gray and brown of the Virginia winter landscape did not help. 

We arrived at Ellen and Mike’s about three thirty. I think they were up for going out to eat, but we were not. So Mike fried some hamburgers and we had a nice meal. We’re definitely going to bed early tonight!