Saturday, July 5, 2014

Not Doing Much

When we usually arrive in London, we have a long list of things to do and places to go. But this morning we just wanted to sit around, drink coffee, and talk to our friends. Vicki and Jerry live in Brentford, not far from Kew Gardens. Their house is part of a redeveloped industrial area on the old Grand Union Canal. There is no longer any commercial traffic on this waterway linking Birmingham and London, but there are many pleasure boats and some people who live in old barges.

Jerry lovingly tends his garden. His job is in Leeds, so he often just gets to spend long weekends at home.

Vicki is an amazing photographer, and we admired some of her work.

IMG 2051

IMG 2052

We wanted to do something special for our friends, so when we learned they had never seen War Horse we decided to take them to see this play. We had seen in in Los Angeles, but the Ahmanson Theater is so large that I am never feel like I have seen a play there. So we were more than happy to see it again. 

WETB WarHorse

The staging of this play is what is truly amazing. The horses are operated by three men. Despite all the wires and pulleys, after a few minutes you completely accept them as actual horses. 

New london theatres production of war horse usurp helen mirrens the audience in global premiere via the national theatre live initiative

Tomorrow we head off for some adventures on the south coast.