Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bocas del Toro

I will not, dear readers, relate the problems we had with getting to and from the airport for the simple reason that I want to forget them. Instead, let me introduce you to Isla Colon, the main town in the Bocas del Torre area of northwest Panama. We are staying at the Hotel Bocas del Torre. It is built in Caribbean style and the back of the hotel is elevated over the water.

After we checked in, we had some lunch on the deck. Yoivy - I think that is how she spells her name - was not only solicitous at the front desk but stopped by the restaurant to make sure we were getting served there, too.

As you can see, it was a rainy afternoon here in Bocas. We napped a bit as it rained making up for the sleep we missed last night, and then we went off to explore. We saw the traditional houses.

And we also saw how tourism will start to change the laid-back Caribbean charm of this place in time.

There were reminders that fishing is still an important occupation in this community.

And maybe this nativity scene in front of a house here says everything about “peace on earth, good will towards men.” I was touched by the backdrop of the mosques.

But this is an inclusive community where Jews are welcome, too.

In fact, just about everybody seems welcome in this friendly little town. John snapped this picture as we were waiting for a downpour to subside. It may be my favorite of the trip so far.

Tomorrow we will be off to explore beaches and reefs of this archipelago. Pray for sun!